It was a cold January 6th, 2024 morning, a day that will live in infamy, but not for the reasons they’re going to tell you. No, this was not the day that America’s democracy stood tall, like some noble beast fighting for its life. Hell no. This was the day that Kamala Harris, with her calculated grin and cold, robotic sincerity, stood in front of the cameras and certified the votes for a man who is hell-bent on dismantling everything that democracy is supposed to stand for. 

She called it a triumph. “Today, democracy stood,” she announced with a voice that could curdle milk. But let’s not be fooled. It wasn’t democracy that stood — it was the hollow corpse of democracy, propped up by people like Harris who claim to be its defenders while systematically gutting its very essence.

Kamala Harris. Let’s get one thing straight: the woman is a political animal, as slick and calculating as they come. She knows how to play the game, to say the right things, to stand in front of the cameras and echo the words that will make her look good. But at what cost?

What good is a democracy if those who are meant to protect it are in on the con? This is not a woman standing for justice, freedom, or the truth. This is a woman running interference for a corrupt system, lying to the people with a smile that could launch a thousand ships—and then sink them.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, an evil man – evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand — is returning to the White House by popular vote. At least, he’s upfront about his disdain for democracy. He doesn’t bother with any pretenses. The bastard wants to burn it all down and start over in his image. That’s the ugly truth.

It’s the folks like Harris who make me nauseous — who dress up their betrayal in flowery rhetoric and speak of unity and democracy while taking the system for a ride, fiddling with it like they’re setting up for another Hollywood sponsorship party.

So don’t stand there and tell me that “America’s democracy stood.” No, it staggered. It collapsed on its knees, face-first into the muck of hypocrisy, all while Kamala Harris smiles and gives a nod of approval.

It’s all part of the show, my friends. And I don’t know what’s worse —Trump, who at least makes no bones about it, or Harris, who sells you the lie with a wink and a handshake.

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